
This is Soraya— a daylight dreamer— and I have chosen to depict my journey through the lenses and colors of deep, timeless reveries.

I am a passionate reader (and learner), writer, poet and educator (also, an aspiring artist, photographer and speaker)— my heart enchanted by all matters holistic, artful and human. Nature inspires me to see the universe in interconnected terms, and ever since I was aware, I was always sure that there was beauty and magnificence in this world to be captured.

I started writing here when I was only eighteen, and much has changed ever since. I describe the scars, tears and pains that have accompanied the intention of growing to become more aware, enlightened and captivated by the healing required to outgrow limitations. You may come across many themes, yet the most prominent is how my life has simply become a process of daylight dreaming.

What is daylight dreaming? 

When you’re standing in the parched land of your life, in your own misery, brokenness and hurt. When you’re emptied of love, faith and hope but then you find it— the need to rely on something bigger than yourself, the need to turn to something more universal, more prominent, something that keeps this world together. When you look at your past and know there must be a purpose in all of this and turn to this truth that this can be seen differently— then you see it: a dream, a vision, a prayer.

The dream of a miracle, the dream to believe in magic, because nothing other than a timeless, infinite love can heal the brokenness in your life, and somehow, amidst of all of this, you decide and dare to believe in a dream that is beyond yourself. You surrender to a miracle.

That is my life.

I came from trauma, darkness, pain and so much shame. I came from self-hate, unworthiness and self-criticism. I came from endless spirals of hurt but I saw the light in believing in a miracle: that I could be loved, that my dreams could come true, that those fears could be transcended—  and they did.

My life is magical— everything I dreamed of intently has come to being so beautifully, often causing my heart to shatter from disbelief. And as I grow in age and ripen in spirit, my dreams become much more entangled with humanness, spirituality and the simple drive to plant goodness in the world, whether or not I get to truly harvest it.

I am a teacher and educator; forsooth I spend most of my time with children. I have dedicated my career and earthly mission to educate minds, hearts and spirits holistically, requiring me to become galvanised by interconnections between various disciplines involving spiritual science, child development, human cognitive functions, art and ecology. I still am a beginner in numerous ways, yet my heart thrives on learning and it knows that those overarching topics shall entangle into something remarkable.

My dearest dream is to live with love and passion; simply, consciously and in reverence. My dearest dream is to rely on magic and miracles and love—  and nothing else. I express here my intentions and revelations, the seasons in between darkness and light and all encounters that lead me and others to a state of wholeness and aliveness.

I’m also here to share it with you. I’m here to show you that pain is important, and that we never reach the other side but through it. I’m not here to rant about love without showing you that it comes from a formidable, heart-shattering brokenness and emptiness.

I’m here to remind you to lose yourself in the faith of a daylight dream.


a daydreamer longing for grace and selfless living. a believer in all ideas that serve wholeness, holism and regeneration. i write about sacred dreams till they come to life.


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